Attracting good fortune, wealth and customers. A talisman under the microscope
Who does not know about the famous, mostly golden-coloured, cat waving at you when thinking of China or other related Asian countries? To be found in plenty of restaurants, shops, even cars and souvenir shops, the smiling happy cat seems to even have found its way into Europe. However, have you ever wondered what this smiling creature actually intends to express or stand for? I haven't until traveling through Taiwan. Seeing the happy cat being located in a lot of corners, I was questioning its meaning and purpose and was hence quite surprised to learn more about its background and usage.
Maneki-neko: a cat originating from Japan
The waving happy at, "Winkekatze" as we call it in German, is actually titled "Maneki-neko", which literally translates into "figure of a cat with a raised paw". Unlike most people think, the cats origin cannot be traced back to China but is actually rooted in Japan. Many beliefs, myths and also legends exist on the emergence and meaning of Maneki-neko; I will not spend time to dive deeper into these, as you will find plenty of sayings just by googeling on the internet. What is interesting though, is the interpretation of what we consider as "waving", as well as the used side of the arm- left- or right-hand side.
Right of left paw-different arms, different meanings
Looking at Maneki-neko, one might think the cat is "waving" at you. The intention of arm-movement, based on the talks I have had with local on-site, is however rather connected with "throwing" and "attracting" people.
What do I mean by throwing? Well, in simple terms: throwing money and bringing good fortune for the owner of the cat.
If you see a cat lifting its right paw, it is attracting and throwing wealth and good fortune.
If the cat, in contract, uplifts its left-hand paw it means to attract more customers and people, e.g. eating in your restaurant, entering your shop. Because more customers = better business = more money. Simple, isn't it?
Deriving hereout, Maneki-neko can be described as a lucky charm for people's wellbeing and business. The higher the paw, the higher the wealth, fortune, number of customers.
Make the right pick!
Having all of these information in mind, you now might look at the "happy cat" a bit differently. So next time you see Maneki-neko, consider the above and buy the one that suits you best! :)